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Wasted Wanderer

Wasted Walkers 

Need a way to spice up your play group but you all are on a budget? Well take a look at some Pauper Commander! Let's start off with some deck building rules: Your Commander can only be Common or Uncommon. Good news is your commander doesn't have to be legendary! Second rule, every other card must be Common rarity and nothing else. Easy enough. So why did we choose colorless as a theme? We'll the powers that be (my play group) voted and colorless was my theme. Thanks guys.... Time to walk our way through this Deck and see if we can meander our way to VICTORY! 

Take a Hike

This little guy has been wondering through the wastes for quite some time, and hes ready to crush anything that stands in its path. We want as many of our Wastes on the battlefield as possible so we can swing in at the table and deal enough Commander damage to take the players out one by one. Thankfully he comes with Trample so even if he gets blocked, at least some of that damage will get through. We've also got a few other tricks to beef him up, assuring the total annihilation of our opponents. 

Rocky Road

There it..isn't. This deck has zero colored mana requirements, but we're still going to want to make as much colorless mana as possible to overrun our opponents. And what are the best ways to produce colorless mana from a colorless source? Mana Rocks! These beautiful little artifacts will sit on the battlefield providing us value for days. And we get to skip over those boring mana rocks you'll always see (like Sol Ring) as many of the best ones don't come in Common printings. Mind Stone and Commander's Sphere see a lot of play, but Ur-Golem's Eye and Sisay's Ring are both 4 costing artifacts that can tap for two colorless. A little pricier than the beloved Sol Ring maybe, but i believe they are seriously underplayed cards. Manakin, Hedron Crawler, and Warden of Geometries can act as extra mana rocks for us, but also give us something to attack or block with in a pinch.  Side note: Yes, Lotus Petal was surprisingly a common at one point. 

Running Out of Gas

When you're making your way through the waste lands of magic the last thing you want to do is run out of gas. These cards are going to fuel up our hands and keep us moving through our deck, but at a cost.  Almost all of these cards are going to require a little sacrifice. Chromatic Star, Chromatic Sphere, and Conjurer's Bauble need to be played, THEN sacrificed to get that all important draw trigger. On the upside Chromatic Star and Chromatic Sphere also give  one mana of any color as well, though this isn't really ramp as we never end up ahead on our mana. Cards like Golden Egg and Alchemist's Vial enter the battle field which draws us a card, but still have to be sacrificed if we are to gain any additional benefit from them. Use your Alchemist's Vial sparingly, you can use it to sneak one of our finishers in to kill an opponent if they don't have may blockers up. Speaking of blockers, Runed Servitor and Skyscanner serve the dual purpose of drawing us cards and giving us a body on the board, something we desperately need to stay alive with this deck. Seer's Lantern is a super value card in this build as it gives us both a mana rock and a repeatable Scry effect. Its not quite a draw spell but its the next best thing! 

Mapping the Wastes

The road to victory is long and arduous, hence why we play Renegade Map and Expedition Map! They may only get the lands to our hands but we'll be cheating them out later anyway. Traveler's Amulet, Wayfarer's Bauble, and Armillary Sphere are similar cards that will pull as many lands as we can into our hands to make our Walker as big as possible. Skittering Surveyor and Pilgrim's Eye scout the wastes ahead for us and can act like blockers once their job is done. Scaretiller and Walking Atlas are a must making sure the lands don't go to waste. 


There's a number of big ol' Eldrazi coming up in this deck, but sometimes we still want to get some of our opponent's annoying stuff out of our path. We don't have a ton of options in common colorless so here are our bangers: Universal Solvent sits on our side of the field and can be a constant threat of retaliation should our opponents do something to incur our (road) rage. Scour from Existence may have a high cost but the ability to instant speed remove any permanent is incredibly powerful. Finally Ulamog's Crusher and Hand of Emrakul have the Annihilator mechanic, meaning our opponent will have to sacrifice permanents. Yes they get to choose but this is still a heavy burden to bear, especially when they're trying to block an 8/8. 

Wasteland Wonderers

The Wastes are a scary place and there are a few big creatures we can plop down in front of our victims. More Eldarzi are lurking out there like Ruin Processor, Kozilek's Channeler, Kozilek's Pathfinder, and Eldrazi Devastator are some of the bigger terrors our opponents will have to face down. Flayer Husk, Sickleslicer, and Arcbound Hybrid can act as both creatures and equipment for our finishers toward the end game. And while not much of a threat on its own, Crashing Drawbridge can allow us to drop our Commander and swing in for huge amounts of damage in the same turn, giving our oppont less time to react to our plays. 

Don't Travel Light

You're going to want to carry a weapon on your travels through these dangerous lands, so lets check out some equipment we'll be taking along with us. Bonesplitter, Bone Saw, and Darksteel Axe are inexpensive and effective ways of giving our creatures a little more oomph when they hit. Vulshock Battlegear and Vulshock Gauntlets are our bigger equipments than can bring our enemies down quickly. Just make sure Vulshock Gauntlets gets equipped to a less important (or untapped) creature before you end your Second Mainphase to prevent yourself from keeping your best creatures taplped down on your next turn. Kitesail, Cobbled Wings, and Fleetfeather Sandals will give our game ending creatures evasion to smack our opponents unimpeded. Prying Blade is going to produce us even more mana, and Whispersilk Cloak will give us some much needed protection and and evasion. 

End of the Road

Our trip through the wastes is coming to an end so lets finish with a bang. Obviously our goal is to make our commander as big as possible with putting a bunch of Wastes on the field and playing a few equipments, but there's a backup plan that hasn't been mentioned yet. Infect. Yes its a nasty tactic but when one walks the wastes for this long you're bound to get a little dirty. Corpse Cur, Ichorclaw Myr, and Phyrexian Digester are here to do the dirty work for us. They may be small at first glance, but pump them up with one or two pieces of equipment and give them flying, well they may just be a force to be reckoned with. Remember you only have to deal 10 Infect damage to an opponent to knock them out. Infect is a going to draw a lot of hate to the deck so make sure you play these cards strategically because once they hit the board you'll have to end the game quick or retaliation from everyone else will be swift!

Artifact (39)

Creature (23)

Instant (1)

  • 1x Scour from Existence

Land (36)

  • 36x Wastes

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