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Kathy's Mausoleum

Kathy's Mausoleum

Kathy here is just an adorable little bug that wants to make sure the dead get to enjoy their afterlife in peace...and help them get revenge on their enemies. Once our poor "little" creatures are stuck in the graveyard, Kathy makes sure to keep some small gifts from them to remember them by, for example all their best abilities. After just a few short turns Kathy will be loaded with ability counters and +1/+1 counters, leaving all your dead creatures' enemies shaking in their boots. And Kathy is so good at what she does that sometimes she'll even call your creatures back from the grave, just so they can get their sweet, sweet vengeance on any fool that dares oppose you!


Kathril, Aspect Warper is a fantastic new Voltron style commander from the C20 Pre-Cons. Business is booming and Kathy wants to put as many big powerful creatures into the graveyard as possible so she snag all their abilities and get herself some +1/+1 counters. Her most coveted abilities are of course going to be Indestructible, Hexproof, Doublestrike, and Flying. Everything else is really just gravy on top. If we can get 8 +1 counters on her and give her Doublestrike then she is just one hit away from wiping her clients' enemies away for good. And don't you worry we've got a little back up plan just in case.

Donations Always Welcome

Some mortician's require monetary donations to keep in tip top shape. Kathy require Mana donations. Along side our 36 Lands, Kathy has accepted a generous 9 pieces of ramp to keep her business running. Arcane Signet and Sol Ring are nice little mementos to remember the fallen by. And digging all those graves gives Kathy a bunch of fertile ground for her secret gardening passion, so Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, and Harrow will make this the most luscious garden of death you've never wanted to see. Creatures like Skull Prophet, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Ramunap Excavator are going to help us with all keeping all these gardening projects in tip-top shape. Ramunap Excavator may not strictly be ramp, he does give us the ability to play our best lands from the graveyard should they fall in (and they very likely will). Finally, Splendid Reclamation is a bomb in this deck and can easily get us five or more lands into play. Sure they are tapped but trust me those four Mana to cast it are 100% worth it. 

Knowledge is Pain

Kathy needs to recruit more staff to work for her, but getting the right employees is going to cost her. Funeral Rites, Harmonize, Painful Lesson, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, Abzan Charm, and Greater Good are excellent (and super flavorful) draw spells for our deck. As much as we want to be throwing bodies into the graveyard for Kathril to benefit off of, we do still need at least a few cards to play from our hand. Just remember a lot of these cards will cost a little life so pay attention to where you're at when casting these.

Tricks of the Trade

Since Kathy needs a steady stream of bodies to...benefit from, she's got some spicy ways to get them into the grave. Both the willing and the unwilling. First is Perpetual Timepiece. This card gives us two random cards into the grave each turn which is great and all, but we can pay two Mana to save any number of especially important cards from our graveyard should our opponents try and exile it. Funeral Rites is great because it draws us cards and lets us mill the top two of our deck into the yard. Life from the Loam is pulling double duty by getting us back the lands we will be incidentally throwing away as well as filling the graveyard turn after turn. Mulch, Corpse Churn, Dark Bargain, and Grisly Salvage are just a few of many self mill cards to give Kathy the fuel she needs. All stars like Corpse Connoisseur, Fauna Shaman, Entomb, Buried Alive, Final Parting, and Jarad's Orders get us exactly what we need into the grave. Oh, and Altar of Dementia but we'll talk more about that in a bit. Kathy's gonna have all the souvenirs she could want from her clients after all this. 

And What About You?

We want our stuff into our graveyard, I bet our opponents want stuff in theirs too, right? Let's help them out. Abzan Charm, Swords to Plowshares, and Path to Exile will help get those pesky opposing creatures out of Kathy's way. She really doesn't like being bothered. Putrefy, Despark, and Beast Within are our more flexible removal cards cause they can kill pretty much anything that's getting in our way. Also were in the perfect colors to play the Mythos of Nethroi! Finally, Divine Reclamation, In Garruk's Wake, and Tragic Arrogance are our mass removal that selectively lets us keep our Big Kathy so we can swat down opponents. (PS Tragic Arrogance is tragically underplayed. You should play it).

Wait! Come Back!

Sometimes stuff we actually want ends up in our graveyard, so we're going to need a way to get that back. Nothing goes to waste at Kathys. We've already mentioned cards like Life from the Loam, Perpetual Timepiece, Ramunap Excavator, and Splendid Reclamation for getting cards back, but now lets talk precision. Stitch Together, Unburial Rites, and Animate Dead are ways to pull our biggest baddies straight to the fray from the grave. Noxious Revival and Reclaim are wonderful to be able to replay our best spells, and Skullwinder is a body that can pull something back to our hand. And our opponent's so... Yay politics!  Living Death and Eerie Ultimatum are our mass reanimate spells giving us a MASSIVE turn to do some damage.

Friendly Staff

Now for the rest of Kathy's very helpful staff. For Double Strike we've got Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, and Oketra the True, both of which give incidental Indestructible. Vampire Nighthawk and Skullwinder will give Kathy Deathtouch and Nighthawk also gives Lifelink and Flying which are great bonuses. Sigarda Host of Herons, Bassara, Tower Archer, and Carnage Tyrant give her the coveted Hexproof token. And lastly one of my favorite cards Akroma, Angel of Wrath is some keyword soup for Kathril to drink up.

Where's My Graveyard?!!

So your opponents were smart and played some graveyard hate. Bet you think you're just going to sit around and do nothing the rest of the game. Well you bet wrong! Kathy always has a back up plan for everything! Kaya's Ghostform will protect our creatures sure but it also functions as a powerful combo piece for infinite mill. Here's how it works; Either cast or reanimate Boonweaver Giant. Use his enter the battlefield effect to grab Kaya's Ghostform and attach it to Boonweaver. Then, with Altar of Dementia on the field you can sacrifice Boonweaver to it to force an opponent to mill six. With that on the stack, Kaya's Ghostform triggers allowing you to return Boonweaver Giant to play, targeting the Ghostform in your graveyard. you are free to repeat this loop over and over until your opponents have no cards left in their decks. Remember, if you are looking for your Altar of Dementia, Greater Good can be used with Boonweaver and Ghostform repeatedly to draw your whole deck until your find your Altar to finish off the game.


Looking to spend a little more and up the power level of the deck? Get yourself a Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Tutor for even better consistency. Reanimate and Exhume are very powerful recursion spells that could very easily find a home in your deck. And if you are looking to add more graveyard hate other than Bojuka Bog, look at Grafdigger's Cage. It shuts down a lot of graveyard themed decks, but Kathy's ability doesn't target the cards in your graveyard so the draw back doesn't hit you quite as hard.

Full List

Land (36)

Artifact (5)

Sorcery (21)

Instant (15)

Creature (18)

Enchantment (4)

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