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Karn's Used Goods

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

Karn's used goods Welcome!

Welcome to Karn's Used Goods where Karn the Silver Golem himself is going to teach you to turn your old lame artifacts like Sol Ring into cool new artifacts like a Sol RIng that can attack your opponents for one! Brilliant! Karn can turn any of your non-creature artifacts into a creature with the same power and toughness as its casting cost, and now you can too with the low low price of one mana. So lets peruse the shop and see if we can't find any gold among these old pieces of junk!

Karn has wares if you have coin

Time to dig through our library and see what Good ol' Karn has to offer us. Not sure what you want? Ask the Crystal Ball to see if there's anything neat you want on the top of your library. Mystic Forge can let you pre-order something from the top of your library before it ever even gets to your hand. Kozilek, the Great Distortion, Weatherlight, Sensei's Diving Top, and Staff of Nin are just going to help us take a gander at whatever happens to be on the shelves. Oh, you were looking for something specific? Kudlotha Forgemaster, Inventor's Fair, Skyship Weatherlight, and Tamiyo's Journal will help you find exactly what it is you're lookig for.

I've got a coupon for that

Only the finest of trinkets are for sale at Karn's and sometimes we need a little help paying for them. Nothing wrong with that! Sol Ring, Dreamstone Hedron, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo, and Metal Worker can be tapped for extra mana, which basically the Magic equivalent of a credit card. Want to use a coupon? Helm of Awakening, Semblance Anvil, Ugin the Ineffable, Jhoira's Familiar, and Foundry Inspector can be used for your entire purchase to get 15% off! What a steal! Still not need more mana? How about you turn in your old useless stuff for store credit. Expedition Map can be sacrificed to find you any land you could want from your deck, and Krark-Klan Ironworks means you can melt down those lame artifacts you aren't using anymore to get a little $$$ in your mana pool. Ooooh we got a big spender on isle three, cause your investments into Blinkmoth Urn and Unwinding Clock are paying you HUGE dividends turn after turn. Don't forget, as soon as your toys get boring Karn can make any of these into a creature for the cheap price of just one colorless mana! Use them to attack or block for hours of fresh new fun!

Nasty Customers

Can't you read the sign? We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason here at Karn's Used Goods. Did one of the other players tutor for something to the top of their deck? Make sure they never draw it by using Codex Shredder to put it directly into the graveyard. In fact never let anyone draw anything fun by also Ghoulcaller's Bell, Grinding Station, Lantern of Insight, Altar of the Brood, and Pyxis of Pandemonium. Is that a spell you're about to play? Nope, cause Warping Wail and Null Brooch let us counter some of our opponent's shenanigans. Don't worry discarding your hand to Null Brooch may be a benefit as long as we have our Ensnaring Bridge out to stop our opponents from attacking us. Is there a sketch-ball customer somewhere in the shop you want to keep a REALLY close eye on? Pithing Needle, Predatory Flagship, Spine of Ish Sah, Phyrexian Revoker, and Scour from Existence can take care of them for you. And if you've really gotta clean house then cards like All is Dust, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and Nevinyrral's Disk can wipe the field for us. Karen really wants to speak to your manager though. Not Today Karen! Protect Karn with Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves to make sure the shop stays open.


We've got a few items in the graveyard that we may really want to refurbish and get back out to the shelves. Buried Ruin, Arcbound Reclaimer, Myr Retriever, Myr Welder, Scrap Trawler, and Junk diver can help us keep reusing some of our favorite little trinkets we may have thrown out throughout the game. Elixir of Immortality can get us our entire graveyard back if you're willing to play the long game. Uh-oh your opponent's trying to sneak out some of their own trinkets from the bin. Cut them off by playing Grafdigger's Cage, Tormod's Crypt, or Scavenger Grounds.


TIme to pay up. Even with all your discounts and store credit you've still got to spend some mana to cast all your neat new trinkets. Thankfully Karn is pretty flexible on payment so you can jam all the coolest colorless lands into your deck that you want. Got rats hiding in the shop? Detection Tower and Arcan Lighthouse have got you covered. Want to feel like you're playing Modern? Throw in Urza's Tower, Urza's Powerplant, and Urza's MIne. Tomb of the Spirit Dragon can gain you a boatload of life after you've turned your junk artifacts into fancy new creatures. You can even save Karn from your own board wipes by returning it to your hand with Sanctum of Eternity. And if you've got an actual thousand dollars to spend for fun play MIshra's Workshop. If you don't have that much pocket change then try Mishra's Toy Workshop instead (but only if your play group is cool enough).

Closing Time

Alright Karn's got more to do than run a shop so it's time to close down for the night. His favorite way to shut down is using Voltaic Construct with any artifact that taps for 3 mana, like a Guilded Lotus, and use Karn to turn the lotus into a creature. Tap the lotus, make it a creature for 1, then use the remaining 2 to untap the lotus. Then you can tap and untap as many times as your want to make an absurd amount of mana. You must be a bank the way you're printing your own money over here. Then use your infinite mana to tap and untap anything you want! There's tons of ways to finsih the game from here! If Voltaic Construct is in your graveyard don't worry you can use all your graveyard grabbing goodies to bring it back. By using Myr Retriever, Scrap Trawler, and enough cost reducers you can get infinite Enter the Battlefield effects and have Grinding Station or Blasting Station to run down the table. I know some people don't like infinite combos so don't worry Karn won't leave you empty handed. Akroma's Monument and Darksteel Forge will give you an army of Indestructible little artifacts when used with Karn. You can now kill players with a Sol Ring so you're welcome. Finally Karn's meanest trick is using Mycosynth Lattice to make everything an artifact, then pay one for every land your opponents have turning them into 0/0 creatures so they die instantly. It won't win you the game immediately but it will punish everyone for not letting you win.

Dextra Special Deals

If you've got the cash you can make this deck even faster by upgrading your mana base. Strip Mine and Wasteland are great includes to lands if you want to really make sure your opponents don't get too out of control with their lands. Vesuva and Dark Depths is another fun little combo to add in. Grim Monolith and Ancient Tomb can really get your combos rolling quick and Scepter of Domination can add even more redundancy for tapping and untapping our artifacts.


Artifact (44)

Land (35)

Creature (15)

Instant (2)

Planeswalker (2)

Sorcery (1)

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