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Innistrad: Midnight Hunt – Our Most Anticipated Cards!

By Foxy’s Proxys Gaming

Midnight Hunt is here, and the Foxy crew are all very excited to experience the new Commander landscape that comes with sets like this! We all are looking forward to playing with and against some new faces in the command zone as well as in the 99, so we thought we’d list some out for you. These are not in any particular order, just cards we found to be exciting and worth looking into.

Enduring Angel

Pushing the limits of the rules of Magic is always a good time and seeing your life total go below zero without losing the game can be pretty fun. This deck could be sweet in a life gain deck, or in combination with some Platinum Angel type of effects that prevent us from losing the game.

Mourning Patrol // Morning Apparition

We were not prepared for the story this card tells and now we’re all sobbing onto our playmats, so thanks for that.

Lier, Disciple of the Drowned

Not a card we intend to play as a commander, but it does seem awesome in the 99. Combo decks get some protection for their important spells and the many spell slinger decks get to cast everything twice. This card is sure to make a splash in Commander.

The Meathook Massacre

This card is so powerful. It’s got some Blood Artist type effects while simultaneously being a somewhat modal sweeper that causes those life gain and loss triggers to occur. This card is going to be awesome in so many decks and will totally be a staple going forward, assuming the price drops a bit.

Faithful Mending

A great little draw spell in Azorius that also helps to fill the graveyard. While it’s not particularly flashy, it does seem like it will be good fit in some Jeskai decks that have access to flashback cards. We’re also excited to try it out in some Esper reanimator strategies where we can take advantage of both the draw and the discard.

Vanquish the Horde

Did somebody say, “Blasphemous Act in white”? In Commander, there’s a good chance this will be a two-mana board wipe a lot of the time and we are all about it.

Gisa, Glorious Resurrector

This card is absurd! Seems like an attempt at a “fixed” Tergrid, but we bet Gisa would still be a little much in the command zone. Playing it in the 99 seems like it could be a blast though. Things are going to die in games of Commander, might as well give them something to do with their eternity.

That’s the Foxy’s Proxys Gaming list for our most anticipated Innistrad: Midnight Hunt cards! Let us know what you think of our picks and tell us what commanders, or other cards, you’re excited to see on the battlefield!

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