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Innistrad: Crimson Vow – Our Most Anticipated Cards!

By Foxy Proxys Gaming

Crimson Vow is here, and the Foxy crew are all very excited to experience the new Commander landscape that comes with sets like this! We all are looking forward to playing with and against some new faces in the command zone as well as in the 99, so we thought we’d list some out for you. These are not in any particular order, just cards we found to be exciting and worth looking into.

Overcharged Amalgam

This card is so sick. It’s already a 3/3 flash creature with flying so the stats are certainly going to be impactful on just about any board state. Sometimes it’s a better Voracious Greatshark, sometimes you save the table from a huge Torment of Hailfire. Sometimes you counter your Uro’s sacrifice trigger so you can keep it around, sometimes you counter the evoke trigger of your Mulldrifter or one of your new elemental incarnations from Modern Horizons 2. There are all kinds of really sweet ways to play with this card and we can’t wait to slam this thing onto the table.

Welcoming Vampire

There is a suite of cards in white that all have some sort of card draw based effect when a small creature enters the battlefield. The most popular tends to be Mentor of the Meek, but it can be inconvenient and often too difficult for white decks to find that one extra mana often enough to really get paid off. Bygone Bishop is another great option, but it requires that white decks continue to pay more mana to draw cards with Clue tokens.

In comes Welcoming Vampire, a three mana 2/3 flyer that requires no additional cost to draw that extra card. While it may only be one card a turn, this is easily the best version of this card. Mentor and Bishop have the mana restrictions that make it more difficult to draw more than one extra card a turn anyway and Welcoming Vampire does so with no extra cost to you. Expect to see this card all over Commander in white decks that play a reasonable number of smaller creatures.

Strefan, Maurer Progenitor

Vampires get yet another boost! Sacrificing two blood tokens to put a vampire card from your hand onto the battlefield is already good, but this also has it come in tapped and attacking and it gets indestructible. The most ridiculous part of this card? The creature you put in stays on the battlefield. Strefan is not like our beloved boar god, Ilharg. Strefan wants his blood sucking friends to stick around a while and keep building their army together since, at the end step, he’ll continue making more blood tokens to sacrifice for more of his buddies later.


Just another card that is absolutely insane with Maskwood Nexus! Seriously, if you don’t have a Maskwood Nexus yet, you better go pick one up before they get expensive. That said, Necroduality is obviously sweet in a Zombie deck as well. Plenty of Zombies have some sick ETB effects and doubling up on those, in addition to getting an extra body for exploit abilities, is just phenomenal. But also, Maskwood Nexus shenanigans.

Hullbreaker Horror

This card is nuts for all kinds of reasons. We wouldn’t blame you if we decided to run it in just about every blue deck. Every spell you cast becomes a two-for-one, assuming they weren’t already, and you become almost unbeatable right away. We can’t wait to throw this bad boy in an Orvar deck and take over.

Glorious Sunrise

Green continues its reign of terror over the combat step. Glorious Sunrise has so many powerful options and every green deck that likes to attack (looking at you Wulfgar) will love a card like this. Makes your big creatures have trample, draws you cards to refill your hand with more and more bangers, gains life in a pinch. It slices, it dices, it does it all! This card definitely has a home in Commander, and you can expect it to see a lot of play.

That’s the Foxy Proxys Gaming list for our most anticipated Crimson Vow cards for the Commander format! Let us know what you think of our picks and tell us what commanders, or other cards, you’re excited to see on the battlefield!


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